Thursday, October 22, 2009




Who helped me to identify work,
that, i needed to do
on my lower 3 chakras

This might be helpful :)

especially; to others...

You know, just when you think,
you have all your work done,
you discover, there is more !!!

HOW eXciting, that is !!! LOL

We are one,
who has always believed in investing
into our own spiritual development,
and, NOT expecting others to do our work,
we hired, Katie, a few different times,
in our journey, and, you know,
she always points us, in the right direction,
always, seems to know, a little more,
than maybe, we know, and, sets us on a journey,
of more discovery...
and, that is eXciting.

Katie said:

"I went into shamanic reality,
your energy is shaped like a funnel with your energy
the most narrow at the lower chakras
while expanding to infinite size
as you connect to universal source energy
and the higher vibrations.

I talked to you in shamanic reality about the need for the lower three chakras- root, sacral and solar plexis and offered to open and activate them. You personality was not interested,
so I agree just to report back with the knowledge..

The guides wanted me to tell you
that the earth and the world
as it is now
is only here for a little while longer
and to invite you to fully experience the physical world.

To be more successful in the 3D world,
you will need to balance your attention to the physical
with your attention to the spiritual.

I know you vastly prefer playing in the high vibrations,
but these vibrations will not allow you to bring in money.

The guides asked me to share about a student of mine.

I visited her at her home and it is utterly filled with beautiful things- rocks, crystals, a tree swing.

The place is a feast for the senses.

She has poured all her energy into her sanctuary and she loves it.

She created a fairy-retreat of a home.

But it’s really hard for her to go to work each day
and earn the money she needs to sustain this home.

So this creates a struggle and a story
that the outside world is not a good place.

So, she hasn’t worked to create a prettier cubicle, for example.

The guides want you to find the beauty and sacred in the mundane,
everyday world.

Basically, you’re in a place that’s not so different
from the guy who’s not holding down a job
because he loves to surf so much
that he won’t do anything that takes him away from that.

I know you look at your energy as service,
but recognize that you can do service
by being in the physical world
and connecting with people as well,
even in an ordinary job.

So, all that being said,
look for a job that doesn’t keep you shut up in an office
under florescent lights for 40 hours a week.

It should have more freedom and movement than that.

But, think of finding a job/job.

You already have your soul passion and personal mission.

You don’t need a soul purpose,
you need something to pay the bills
and that will give you a more balanced experience
of spending some time being human.

Think of changing your energy from an upward facing funnel to an hourglass,
with strong connections both above and below.

If you open and activate your lower chakras,
that will allow you to manifest opportunities in physical reality.

All the best,


WOW, what great advise,
esp. since, we love to do our own work,
and, activate things ourselves,
this way, you gain, a true mastery,
of doing such things, NOT only for yourself,
but, also for others...

recently, we have taken our spiritual practice
and, started to integrate 'real' work into it

ALSO~ it appears,
that we are being blessed,
by, the attraction of another person,
into our lives,
someone, we have danced many times, with before...
nothing, like sitting,
and, looking upon a fresh canvas,
a sheet, as, white as snow,
and, knowing that 'both parties'
wish to adapt, a 'much gathers more'
type of eXchange.

There is so much value,
to these lovely connections,
esp, when they are playing themselves out,
in the ethers,
in the dream_time,
and, in those higher dimensions,
and, they are already sorting themselves out,
in a magical and mystical, type of synchronicity.

Isn't it wonderful,
when, those we have danced with before,
in other places/spaces/and, times,
come into this lifetime,
to join, and, re-joi with us :)

Shamanic journeys, are valuable ...

as, a good curander / grander / or shaman,

can send a little energy, into the equation,

that smooths out the times,

when the connection wasn’t fun or wasn't joyful
and, when you had to work out those heavy life lessons.

So, apparent, to us,
that mostly, we did enjoy good connections.

So, important,
to find others, who can be our hero,
to find others, who are on similiar paths,
to find others, who are supportive of what we are currently doing
and, vice versa...
yes, indeed, the power of giving another
the space, to be, all that, we are also, intending ourselves to be.

"much gathers more" is an amasing dance.

Done with the right energy,
and with the right substance,
it is a connection, that will be,
fun, rich and fulfilling for both of us.

eXperiencing, all others, as equal
eXperiencing, all others, as strong, in their own right
and, releasing,
others are NOT here, to do all the work, and/or to take care of us,
anymore, than, they arrive for us, to teach them something, of value

We are all here, to be teachers, to one another

after_all, the real teacher, is always the best student

We all, need to do,

as, Katie, suggests to me

"Look at learning from him in equal measure"
Katie Weatherup

We did find, some real good stuff online,
that addresses, the 3 chakras,
we have work, to do on,
and, it was interesting

We also, realised,
that, Angel-Light Love, of
helped us, with our upper funnel ~ and, making sure,
we have the right framework,
and, the right 13 consciousness units, working ~ her work is fabulous :)
(we will feauture her work on another blog)

While, we also,
were assisted, at the centre, of the upper/and, lower funnel
the heart section
by our dear friend, and, fellow blogger
Suzan Caroll aka Suzanne Lie of
who has been on her spiritual path of seeking for her entire fifty-four years
and has been on The Path for about twenty-eight years.
She really assisted us, and, helped us,
into our lower/and, higher hearts
and, rounded out, the point of infinite possibilites,
the centre of our hourglass
(and, we will feature, her, and, her work too,
as, it is vastly important)

while --
we also found this whilst, searching the internet,
some awesome stuff by OSHO

OSHO - sounds for the 7 chakras - Tail Chakra

OSHO - sounds for the 7 chakras - Navel Chakra

OSHO - sounds for the 7 chakras - Genital Chakra

Brightest blessings of energy, light and love to all

Susan ~ White Lotus Star

here's the right video link:

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